Tu Bishvat – Jewish New Year for Trees
Starts Evening of Sunday February 5 and Ends Evening of Monday February 6 2023


Janet Lawrence
January 27, 2023


Rosa Lee loved trees. She also loved sitting and watching birds, butterflies, hummingbirds, and airplanes in the sky. She marveled at how an airplane could take off, fly, and land so gracefully.

In dedication to Rosa Lee’s love for trees and the importance of tradition, especially Jewish traditions, she created a service specifically for the Jewish holiday for the trees, called Tu BiShvat. Many people couple this service with a group of friends getting together for lunch or dinner and reading passages from the booklet Rosa Lee compiled. It is suggested that you choose the pages and poems that resonate most with you and create your own Tu BiShvat seder.

Greg Berkowitz commented: “The first kiss I got from Janet was at Mom and Dad’s Tu B’Shevat Seder!”

TuBishvat Seder

Source: Rosa Lee’s Website – Jewish Programs