Passover Poem by Rosa Lee Rothblatt –
Holiday starts the evening of Wednesday April 5 and ends the evening of Monday February 6 2023


Published by Janet Lawrence for Rosa Lee Rothblatt
Blog Date March 15 2023


“The following poem was written in 1951 when I was a student at the University of Illinois. It was the first time that I would be away from home for Passover and the seders. I went to HILLEL, the Jewish student group on campus, to sign up to attend the seder. The staff asked if I could help and write a poem about Passover for HILLEL’s monthly bulletin.

I thought it would be a nice challenge, so I agreed. Then they told me to make certain the last line of the poem rhymed with “United Jewish Appeal.” The organization’s name has since changed to “The Jewish Federation” but the message is the same…donate money to help less fortunate Jews around the world.

It’s my joy to annually read this poem to family and friends at our seders.” –Rosa Lee Rothblatt

It would bring much joy to Rosa Lee knowing that the following poem continues to be read at each of our Passover Seders.

Eight Day Test

Source: Rosa Lee’s Website – Jewish Programs

Enjoy the photo gallery below taken from both west coast and east coast Passover Seders. Be sure to click on one image to enlarge it and then view the rest of the gallery.