40th Wedding Anniversary

Rosa Lee Rothblatt

On Sunday, June 6, 1993, Janet, Greg, Martine and Bina planned a spectacular 40th wedding anniversary party at the Irvine Marriott, including a restatement of Rosa Lee and Harold’s marital vows, with Rabbi Silverstein of Temple Beth Am officiating. It was a beautiful event, under the white tent, and with family and life-long friends in attendance.

Martine was able to digitize the video recording of this significant milestone event and it is now available to all of us via YouTube. There are so many wonderful family and friends in this video and many of them recorded beautiful messages to Rosa Lee and Hal. While some of the people in this video have passed away, seeing them all so young and vibrant brings immense joy. And seeing our family and friends 30 years younger will bring huge smiles to your faces!

Here is the video of Rosa Lee and Hal’s 40th Wedding Anniversary Celebration and Restatement of their Marital Vows. Enjoy!

Here is the thank you letter that Rosa Lee sent to Janet/Greg, Martine and Bina. Rosa Lee wrote the best letters! Enjoy!

40th Anniversary Letter