Valentine’s Day and Rosa Lee


Janet Lawrence
February 13, 2023
Hal and Rosa Lee
Hal and Rosa Lee


For those who knew Rosa Lee well, you know that love was one of her most favorite emotions. She spread her love and kindness to everyone. Rosa Lee never missed an opportunity to send a Valentine’s Day card to her family and special friends – but especially, to her children, grandchildren and great grandchildren.

“Romance” was also one of Rosa Lee’s favorites. That sparkle in her eye made it clear that she was filled with romantic thoughts — some looks were even a bit naughty!!

As a Jewish Wedding Ceremony Coordinator, Rosa Lee would send a pink letter or a blue letter to the bride and groom respectively on weeks and days leading up to the wedding. She shared her collection of words of wisdom to create successful marriages.

Below are a couple extracts from her “Romance” file — and click here to visit Rosa Lee’s creations and compilations on her website. There are more and I do plan to upload over time.

Wishing you a happy and love-filled Valentine’s Day! Relax, have some chocolate, champagne, hot tea (or whatever is your favorite) and enjoy being romanced by Rosa Lee!


“Love is a gift. It comes very rarely in life.
When it does come, we must cherish it,
for true love is more precious than any material possession we shall ever own.”
–Rabbi Daniel B. Syme

Successful “Try To” Suggestions

  • Try to not be upset at the same time
  • Try to not yell at each other unless there’s a major catastrophe, like a fire!
  • Try to be open minded and flexible; if there’s an argument, settle it before going to bed, if possible. Discussing and making up bring better results than “winning and losing”
  • Try to encourage positive behavior rather than complain about personal negative traits
  • Try to not bring up past negative situations
  • Try to say, “I’m sorry” or “forgive me” when a mistake happens
  • Try to not neglect your partner during business, social and family events
  • Try to praise your mate in front of others
  • Try to greet your partner, each day, with enthusiasm, affection and smiles
  • Try to say at least one nice thing to your partner each day

P.S. Even when it seems only one is doing the “Try To’s,” hang in there…love and thoughtfulness are contagious!