Family and Friend Correspondence

Enjoy some of the many correspondence, newsletters, poems and other writings that Rosa Lee penned and shared with others. As with all of Rosa Lee’s letters, so delightful, educational and humorous!

1988-5749 Moving Newsletter

1989 Family Recap

1990 Family Recap

1997 Family Recap

Happy Birthday Martine

Celebrating Morrie’s Special 80th Birthday

Happy 65th Birthday Susan

Tribute to My Father

Jennie Bernstein – Plaque

Janet’s Accomplishment Framed Gift

Thank you to guests on 80th Birthday

Thank you Letter to Ciara for Love Letter Notebook

Poem to Hal – Dental School Graduation

Letter to Rabbi Silverstein 80th Birthday

Letter to Martine – Two Stars for Peace

Letter to Martine – Biowalk Center

Letter to Janet

Letter to Hal 1952

Letter to Ciara – Trip to Israel

Letter to Rachel – Talit

Letter to Bina on 50th Birthday

Hanukkah note to Ciara

Letter from Uncle Herbie

Tribute to Phil and Flo – 50th Anniversary

Lisa Friedman Bat Mitzvah Letter

Harold and Ann Rosenberg – 50th Anniversary

It Had to be Arie

Greg Berkowitz (son-in-law)

The following letter is a transcription of a FAX that Rosa Lee sent to Greg, her son-in-law, on September 29, 2003, regarding her inability to attend the Rosh Hashanah service where Greg was to chant from the Torah. How lucky Greg is to have had Rosa Lee as his mother-in-law!

September 29, 2003

Dearest Greg,

Some people are knowledgeable enough to chant from the Torah.

Some people are strong enough to lift the Torah and turn it for the Congregation to see.

Some people are able to easily hold and cradle the Torah in their arms as it is carried through the Sanctuary.

“You” are among the select and unique people who can do all the above with ability, dignity and strength. I am so proud of you!

When I awoke on the morning of Rosh Hashanah, I knew I was sick but didn’t know the cause of the problem. I went to the doctor today and it is a low-grade virus that hopefully should be gone in a few days.

Anyway, it made me feel even worse on Saturday knowing I wasn’t well enough to attend services and would miss your chanting from the Torah.

With God’s help, I’ll look forward to attending future services and take pride in your participation.

May good health, meaningful accomplishments and much happiness with your beautiful family be your daily companions.

Hugs, Love, Kisses,

Mom Rosa Lee