Jewish Programs, Music and Booklets


Rosa Lee enjoyed celebrating holidays and events alike. Dressing up and participating in a celebration with family and friends was hugely motivational for her and from which she garnered much joy. If she was asked to say something or prepare a program or speech, even better!



As a gift to her children, Martin and Janet, Rosa Lee composed the lyrics and music to a Hanukkah song titled “Spin Little Dreydel.”© This song was sung over the course of many years at numerous Hanukkah parties and public school and religious school choirs.

The lyrics to the song are in the link below, or you can sing along here:

Spin little dreydel, spin, spin, spin
Round little dreydel, round go round
And when you stop and touch the ground
Another winner will be found

(Verse #1)
Shin, hey, gimmel, nun
Which one will it be?
Shin, hey, gimmel, nun
I hope the winner will be me!


(Verse #2)
Put in if it’s shin
Take out half for hey
Gimmel means you win
Nun will end your play!


Spin Little Dreidel

Enjoy Martine playing the piano to Spin Little Dreydel©. You can sing along using the lyrics above:

Video Spotlight


Here is the Congregation B’nai Tzedek Children’s Choir, under the direction of Cantor Linda Ecker, singing Spin Little Dreydel© in the early 1990’s.

The choir members were: Heather Blitz, Michelle Brooks, Melissa Cain, Cori Charm, Allison Colleen, Samara Deutsch, Jacqueline Ecker, Michael Ecker, Zachary Einstein, Jessica Fainsztein, Michelle Fainsztein, Talia Gali, Emily Hudson, Joyce Hudson, Sheryl Levin, Larry Milner, Marnee Milner, Martin Ross , Lauren Sinsheimer.

The music begins 5 seconds into the audio file.


Fast forward to Hanukkah 2022, here is Easton, Rosa Lee’s great grandson, enjoying dreidels and listening to Ciara and Kaileigh singing Spin Little Dreydel©

Video Spotlight

It brought so much joy to Rosa Lee to see and hear the children singing this very special song.



Tu BiShvat – the Jewish New Year for Trees
Rosa Lee loved trees. She also loved sitting and watching birds, butterflies, hummingbirds, and airplanes in the sky. She marveled at how an airplane could take off, fly, and land so gracefully. In dedication to Rosa Lee’s love for trees and the importance of tradition, especially Jewish traditions, she created a service specifically for the Jewish holiday for the trees, called Tu BiShvat. It is suggested that you choose the pages and poems that resonate most with you and create your own Tu BiShvat seder.
TuBishvat Seder



Fun-filled Holiday of Purim

Purim Presentation

Purim Songs


Passover Poem

“The following poem was written in 1951 when I was a student at the University of Illinois. It was the first time that I would be away from home for Passover and the seders. I went to HILLEL, the Jewish student group on campus, to sign up to attend the seder. The staff asked if I could help and write a poem about Passover for HILLEL’s monthly bulletin.

I thought it would be a nice challenge, so I agreed. Then they told me to make certain the last line of the poem rhymed with “United Jewish Appeal.” The organization’s name has since changed to “The Jewish Federation” but the message is the same…donate money to help less fortunate Jews around the world.

It’s my joy to annually read this poem to family and friends at our seders.” –Rosa Lee Rothblatt

It would bring much joy to Rosa Lee knowing that the following poem continues to be read at each of our Passover Seders.

Eight Day Test


Thanksgiving “Haggadah” Program

Rosa Lee enjoyed Thanksgiving because of the focus on gratitude, the historical purpose of the celebration and the bringing of family and friends together. She took pride in telling others that she never cooked a whole turkey. Now that is quite an accomplishment!

The following booklet was compiled because Rosa Lee compared Thanksgiving to Passover and believed that Americans should be able to tell and re-tell the story of the American Thanksgiving and why we should be grateful, just as the Jewish People tell and re-tell the story of Passover and our freedom from slavery.

Around the Thanksgiving table, we each would choose a favorite reading or poem from the book to read out loud and then discuss. The guests, with stomachs growling, found it worked better to eat first and then read — but Rosa Lee always preferred to read first, then eat. It is entirely up to you how you enjoy the book, just so long as you enjoy it.

Rosa Lee’s Introduction to the Booklet:
Thanksgiving is a favorite holiday for everyone to enjoy.

It’s a time for remembering the past, sharing our present, and caring for our future.

By joining in the reading of this booklet before the meal, it will be easier to understand and appreciate why we should be thankful on Thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving Program


Emcee for Martin’s Bar Mitzvah Celebration – Candle Lighting Ceremony

Rosa Lee as emcee at Martine’s Bar Mitzvah Reception Candle Lighting Ceremony in 1967.
Note: The audio file begins after 23 seconds and lasts 47 minutes. This is audio, not video. Special thanks to Jenesis and Martine for providing this priceless file. This is quintessential Rosa Lee!


Jewish Mama Panel

This is a funny yet insightful video of three Jewish mothers participating on a panel discussion at Congregation Shir Ha-Ma’alot.

Part 1 (14 minutes)

Video Spotlight

Part 2 (5 minutes)

Video Spotlight