Tribute and Greeting Card Samples

Rosa Lee was often the Tribute Card writer for the synagogues that she and Hal were members. Both Hal and Rosa Lee were greeters at Congregation B’nai Tzedek and ensured new members felt comfortable. In fact, that is how Greg and Janet met each other, through Rosa Lee and Hal greeting him, and also greeting Susan Miller. Susan introduced Greg and Janet and they eventually married and gave birth to Rachel. As a result, Susan became Rachel’s godmother and then Ciara asked Susan to become her godmother too. And now you know the rest of the story!

Below are the samples of Rosa Lee’s Tribute Cards that she would hand write and mail to the recipients. As you can see, these are 100% Rosa Lee! Feel free to integrate these into your own communications.



  • On your birthday and always, rejoice in good health, with happiness and contentment.
  • “The great thing about another birthday (or anniversary) is that you don’t lose all of the other ages you’ve been.”
  • Let’s celebrate your birthday together — You do the aging part and I’ll handle the rest. Have a great Birthday!


  • In times of sorrow, it helps to know that others care. May the happy memories be a source of comfort to you.
  • We hope it helps to know that others care and share in your sadness. We do.
  • May the memory of your dear (insert name/relationship) always be a source of inspiration and pride. Our sincere sympathy in this time of sadness.
  • In the book of Proverbs it says, “The memory of the righteous is for a blessing.” (Insert name/relationship) was that kind of person and will not be forgotten.
  • One’s life is a spectrum of human emotions – from joys to tears. May the memories of (insert name/relationship) be those of joy that will help to ease the tears.
  • Our world and community has been enriched and inspired by the life and deeds of (insert name/relationship). He/She/They will be missed but the memories will live on.
  • Sympathy is like a little medicine that gently soothes the ache in another’s heart. It won’t cure the condition but hopefully, knowing that others care, will help.
  • Hoping it will help somehow to know your loss is shared by those who understand.
  • When we are born, there is much joy.
    When we die, there is much sadness.
    Neither occasion comes with a guarantee.
    Such is the spectrum of life.
  • (In response to expressions of sympathy)
    We deeply appreciate and wish to thank you for the kind thoughts and expression of sympathy extended during our recent sorrow.

    Get Well

  • In times of illness, it helps to know that others care. Our best wishes for an early and complete recovery.
  • Shared caring is already half way to recovery. Please get well soon.
  • “A doctor does not work alone – an invisible angel is always on the side.” Looking forward to your early recovery.
  • “Happy days will be here again,” when you are once again enjoying good health.
  • “There is no wealth like health.” Wishing you this blessing along with an early and complete recovery.
  • If time is the best healer, please…swallow your watch and get well in no time! (Lol!)
  • As spring follows winter,
    So sunshine follows rain;
    As daylight follow darkness,
    So healing follows pain.


  • It is a “mitzvah” to celebrate the happiness of a bride and groom. May your (or their) lives abound with good health and much joy.
  • Love and marriage…a perfect match, just like you!
  • Love and marriage…A perfect match, just like (first name of bride and groom). Mazel Tov!
  • “Life is like a flower of which love is the honey,” Mazel Tove on your marriage (or engagement).
  • May your love and marriage be forever after.
  • Benjamin Franklin’s advice for a happy marriage is…”to be loved, love and be lovable.” Best wishes always.
  • “A life lived in love will never be dull.” Wishing you a wild, happy and forever marriage.
  • May your cup overflow with “nachas” (joy/pride) from the marriage of (insert name of bride, groom and/or couple).
  • Lucky newlyweds to have in-laws like you. Mazel Tov!
  • May your eyes tear and your heart swell with pride at the marriage (or engagement) of (insert name of bride, groom and/or couple).

    Happy Occasions

  • Congratulations on the happy occasion of your (insert event). /enjoy this wonderful experience (honor) in good health and with much pleasure.
  • “Mazel Tov” on the happy occasion of (event). May you celebrate many more happy events in good health and with much joy.
  • Congratulations and best wishes on your (event). May you enjoy much happiness as you continue along life’s way.
  • Wonderful news about the happy event of (event). May good fortune be your (their) daily companion.
  • While others yearn for success, you have been busy achieving it! Congratulations on (graduation/new business/special award/promotion, etc.).
  • May your trip be a new adventure in sights, sounds and people. Enjoy the experience in good health and with much pleasure.
  • It’s such a joy to have a friend (relative, boss, co-worker) like you. And it’s such a joy for me (us) to tell you so!
  • The great thing about another (birthday, anniversary, simcha) is that you don’t lose all the other ones you’ve had.


  • You are proof that love, partnership and friendship can grow more beautiful, more precious, and more wonderful the longer it lasts.
  • May this day be a memorable one for you. May your love, marriage and anniversaries be forever after.
  • As you begin another year of married love, may it be happily memorable, filled with good health, meaningful accomplishments and God’s blessings.