Unveiling Service – January 20, 2023

Rosa Lee Rothblatt
Traditionally in Judaism, we perform the service to unveil the plaque or grave marker prior to one year after the passing of our loved one. The chief purpose of dedicating a headstone or plaque is to mark the final resting place of the deceased, to honor their life, and to serve as a focal point for people’s memories through the years.

The family wanted to include as many friends and family as possible, and since Rosa Lee’s final internment is in San Diego with her husband Hal, her parents Sam and Jennie Bernstein, and her brother Herb Bernstein, it was decided to perform the unveiling service locally, at Shir Ha-Ma’alot, where a plaque has been donated and appears on the memorial wall.

On Friday morning, January 20, 2023, Greg and Janet drove down to San Diego and performed the traditional unveiling service at the cemetery.

Here is a link to the Unveiling Ceremony at Shir Ha-Ma’alot with many family and friends present:


Plaque at Shir Ha-Ma’alot

Family photo at Unveiling Ceremony – Top Row: Ken and Kelly Roth; Next Row Down: Bina Rothblatt, Greg Berkowitz and Janet Lawrence, Tina and John Lawrence; Next Row Down: Ciara Lawrence, Easton Keizer-Lawrence (in stroller), Rachel Berkowitz, Earl Roth, Martine Rothblatt, Esther Roth, Susan Miller

During the Friday night Sabbath Service, Rabbi Steinberg gave a wonderful, funny, and heartwarming sermon that highlighted Rosa Lee in a way only a true friend could do. We are very grateful to our Rabbi for the many years of friendship, support and guidance that he has provided to our family for over 20 years. Enjoy the delightful sermon below.

Here is the link to the complete Shabbat Service after the unveiling, where Rabbi Steinberg shared Rosa Lee’s website and some of her wit and wisdom.